Turning Point Trust

Te Taiope Huringanui

Te Taiope Huringanui


Tukuna te whakaaronui ki runga

ki tēnei whānau o Te Taiope Huringanui kia eke panuku, kia eke hohoro.

Haumi ē, Hui ē, Tāiki e!

Let love, peace, and harmony rain over our Turning Point

Trust family as we grow and strengthen each other


Let it be done!


Mā te ora o te wairua, ka hāo a manaakitanga.

Through positive spirit, all things are possible

– Tāne Cook

A vibrant, inclusive community where people realise their potential.

Established in 1996, we are strongly committed to providing an environment where people living with an experience of

mental illness and/or addiction feel safe and supported, and can develop meaningful relationships and skills that will

facilitate community inclusion and participation.

We provide a suite of services designed to support people's chosen recovery paths.

If you are experiencing a crisis please TXT or call 1737 anytime or visit 1737.org.nz

Where We Are

Turning Point Trust is based at the Historic Village on 17th Avenue, Tauranga. Our environment is quirky and peaceful, linked to a vibrant and diverse array of social services, commercial tenants and boutique merchants.

Time spent at Turning Point supports recovery in a connected and inclusive community environment.

Find Out More

About Us

Our Vision

A vibrant, inclusive community where people realise their potential

Our Mission

Co-creating local approaches, systems and services that support wellbeing and encourage transformation

Values - ūara

Generosity of spirit, Making a positive difference, Person directed action, Actively embracing Te Tiriti O Waitangi, Justice and social equity

If you would like to Join...

It is a very simple process! Just talk to Nicki (up in the main office, call 07 578 6934, or email nicki@turningpoint.org.nz). She can give a tour of our facilities, tell you about our activities, and answer any questions you may have. We have a short registration form that she will fill out with you, and then you can access all of our Turning Point services. If you would like to bring a friend, Whanau member, or support worker with you for your initial appointment you are welcome to do so.

If you would like to access Junction's peer support services, please contact them directly on (07) 543 3010; or if you would like to make an appointment with Sage Career Support, please contact them on (07) 578 6443.

Our services are available for anyone over the age of 18 with experience of mental illness and/or addiction. We are interested in your current situation, and your journey of recovery towards wellbeing. You will be supported by our facilitators to develop a Recovery Plan, and we can assist you to achieve your goals. 

We are open to supporting tangata whai ora who may be receiving care at Te Whare Maiangiangi (mental health inpatient unit); please come in to talk to Nicki so that we can support you and your wellbeing plan while you are at Te Taiope Huringanui.

If you have a period of unwellness we are happy to work alongside you to support your recovery. Please let us know how we can assist you.


Click on the images below to see what events are taking place right now

*Events are updated every 3 months

Our environment is quirky and peaceful, linked to a vibrant and diverse array of social services, commercial tenants and boutique merchants.

We provide a suite of services

Day activities - Te Whare Toi
Kaupapa Maori
Junction Peer Support - Te Whare Huīnga
Sage Career Support - Te Whare Rapuara
Vocational programmes, horticulture, Clothing & textiles

Find us on Facebook

Sage Career Support - Te Whare Rapuara Sage Career Support - Te Whare Rapuara