If you are experiencing a crisis please TXT or call 1737 anytime or visit 1737.org.nz
By and for people with mental health and/or addiction issues
We provide free lived experience peer support for people with mental health and/or addiction.
Our workers have lived experience which is considered our biggest strength. This means that we walk alongside people with the empathy and understanding that comes from living our own recovery journey. But it is not just us supporting our peers. Our peers have so much to give back that they may not get a chance to do. So, we create mutual, healthy relationships with our peers where we can receive the guidance, support and empathy that comes from our peer’s extensive wisdom, experience, and expertise.
The service is free, and transport is not a barrier as we have vehicles and can come to our peers. We provide one on one peer support, advocacy, peer lead recovery groups, walking groups, conversational/socialising groups, gardening groups and more. A large part of our work is empowering and supporting people to transition to/access other services such as fitness services, art programmes, support with WINZ, budgeting, counselling and so forth. It is so much easier to join a new group or access a new service with one of our workers there for support. To join our service people can simply ring us up, or clinicians and whanau can ring on their behalf. Please do not hesitate to call. Our team is on a journey to increasing connection, meaning and wellness in our community and you may be the perfect person to come on that journey with us.
Nga Mihi - Kurt Yule
Junction based in stand alone premises at 28 Carlisle Street, Greerton, Tauranga. Call Junction on (07) 543 3010.
Lead by Kurt Yule, the Junction team offer:
One to one peer support
Gambling support
Te Rōpū Tau PetiPeti
Addiction group
Te Kōpū waranga
Te Kōpū manunui
Schizein group
Wairua Taukoi - for those who experience schizophrenia
Peer group development
Meetings and event, coffee and chat
Purposeful recreation to support healthy lifestyles and counter isolation
Contact Junction Peer Support